Grant Guidelines

Full Grant Deadline:  August 31 at 5:00 PM

Types of Activities Funded

A. Economic Development & Community Betterment
B. Tourism, Culture and Recreation
C. Education, Public Health & Safety

Types of Awarded Funded

Capital funds, matching funds, and extraordinary funding requirements.

Authorizations or Certifications

If any organization is applying for funds for any program/project which involves property that is not owned/operated by the applicant, i.e., a PTA, individual school, etc., the applicant must provide authorization from the owner/operator of the facility (in this case, the school administration). This would include city properties or properties, or facilities owned/operated by other agencies. It would also include any documentation certifying an agency to perform any activity, etc., granted by another agency or unit of government. Proof of authorization from the school or government body must be documented with a copy of minutes showing Council or Board approval and the grant application must be signed by the Board President or mayor.

The Upper Mississippi Gaming Corporation retains the right to amend this application or change the process in which applications and/or grants are administered at any time, for any reason. Applicants must use the grant form for the current period, or the application will not be considered.

Applying for a grant does not guarantee the requested project or program will be funded. The Board may, at its discretion, choose to fund your request in full, in part, with stipulations, or not at all.

Grant Evaluation

Proposals are evaluated by the Upper Mississippi Gaming Corporation Board of Directors, who may seek additional information from the applicants or members of the community knowledgeable to the subject area. Final decisions on all grants are made by the Upper Mississippi Gaming Corporation Board of Directors.

Grant applications will be rated on demonstration of need, leverage of other funds or community support, amount of matching cash, community impact, proposed evaluation of results, and strength of organization.

Qualified Organizations

A. To organizations that are qualified to receive 501(c) funds, i.e., organizations with an IRS designation of 501(c)3, 501(c)4, 501(c)6, 501(c)8, or units of political subdivisions. Applicants are required to provide a letter of designation as a tax-exempt organization from the IRS and a current Certificate of Good Standing from the Iowa Secretary of State or the state in which your organization operates stating that the applicant is eligible to operate as a non-profit (Not applicable to political sub-divisions.) If you do not currently possess these certificates, please allow several weeks to obtain them, and plan accordingly before applying. Visit the Secretary of State web-sight at for filing information for Iowa corporations. Applications will not be considered that do not provide the required documentation.

B. To organizations that are in or provide services to Clayton County, Iowa.

C. The organization must not illegally discriminate based on age, gender, or race.


A. No support of individuals, including individual scholarships or fellowships, or fundraising or benefit activities for individuals.

B. No support for political causes and candidates.

C. No support for ordinary operational and personnel expenses other than those associated with start-up costs.

D. No support for debt incurred or purchases made prior to UMGC grant award.

E. No support for capital projects for school, religious or government facilities.

F. No endowment funds.

G. When possible please use vendors from Clayton County, Iowa.

Upper Mississippi Gaming Corporation
PO Box 208
1118 Main Street
McGregor, IA 52157

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